Cambodia (Phnom Penh)

​Anna’s Learning Center

Urban Poor Women’s Development, a home-grown NGO in Phnom Penh, will now be making baby booties for the Gendercide Awareness Project. This self-help organization trains women community leaders in the slums to improve their food supply, improve their shelter, educate their children, and access health care (including women’s healthcare). After training UPWD leaders take charge of implementing these projects in their communities themselves with minimal reliance on external guidance, expertise, or resources.

​Afesip Fair Fashion, works in  Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Afesip has three shelters that care for 170 young women who were victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation and helps them to overcome a past full of physical and mental abuse, violence, and cruelty. After a time of healing in one of Afesip’s three shelters, the girls move to Afesip Fair Fashion, where they learn work and life skills.