​The Gendercide Awareness Project has earned the ​GuideStar Platinum Seal!

View our profile on GuideStar.Org

Goldstar Seal, Platinum Transparency
We are a 100% volunteer organization. Our volunteers pay 100% of overhead costs.
​​Your gifts stop gendercide and empower tomorrow’s women.

AWARENESS – through newspapers, radio, website and blog, social media, films, speakers, and art exhibit
EDUCATING GIRLS – Educating poor, at-risk girls in developing areas to end gendercide and empower women.

$500 — one year of primary school
$750 — one year of middle/high school
$1500 – one year of college

Click credit card icons below to donate with a credit card or PayPal .
A gift of any size is welcome!
Please mail your check to the address below. We will mail you a receipt for tax purposes.
6601 E. Hillcrest #182
Dallas, TX 75205

Will your employer match your donation? If so, please report your donation and double your donation!